Check Out this Fan FIlm Trailer of The Punisher Marvel Does Not Want You to see [Video]


Fan films have become more frequent in the superhero world. Regular aspiring filmmakers, round up all they can to try to pull of their vision of what their favorite superheroes should be portrayed like on the big screen. Today we get a new trailer for fan film featuring The Punisher, called The Dead Can’t Be Distracted. Excellent title right off the bat.

Marvel has attempted to bring The Punisher to the big screen twice (not counting the 80s Dolph Lundgren version), and has failed twice. The Thomas Jane version took place in Tampa Bay for God’s sake, and the follow was slightly darker and grittier, but still did not manage to grab the fans. Director Mike Pecci wanted to bring his love for The Punisher in his own movie, and Marvel was not too pleased by it.

Marvel has been in contact with Pecci since they saw the trailer, and has since ordered him not release his film. It sounds pretty damn ridiculous, and Pecci chimed in on the whole situation:

According to Marvel it would ‘confuse the audience’ into believing that it’s an official Marvel production. At first, I was flattered that the quality of our work might even compare to the millions they spend on production and advertising, but then the reality of it all set in. Marvel legal was demanding that I don’t release the film! Since when does Marvel go after fan films?  Wasn’t there a recent and heavily promoted Punisher fan film with Thomas Jane? What could I do about this?

What would you do when staring at a letter from one of the biggest, wealthiest companies in the movie business? They can put me out of business with the snap of their fingers. Do I have a beef with Marvel? Absolutely not. I think they have become so huge and that my film is lost in the belly of the corporate beast. I want the right people at Marvel to see this film, to rescue our film, and to hopefully be inspired by my love for this character. … Write to Marvel. Tell them that you want to see this film. Tell them you want to see our Punisher on the small screen.
You know you are doing something right when one of the biggest companies in the world says for you not to release the film. Hopefully it all works out for Pecci, because I really want to see the film. Check out the trailer below for yourself. Let me know what you think about it.

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