Disney Acquires Indiana Jones Rights and Will Release More Movies


Indiana Jones now joins Star Wars and the better part of Marvel in the Disney army, and you can bet they want to get more sequels out there. Now even though Disney acquired LucasFilms, and LucasFilms of course were the Indiana Jones movies, Disney still didn’t have the rights to distribute new movies. Paramount had these rights, but now after this deal, Paramount will receive a small portion, and Disney will be the main distributor of the new movies. Yes…new movies.

Obviously Harrison Ford is getting pretty up there in age, but George Lucas himself even stated that a new movie is on the table. It has actually been on the table since 2011, and Lucas said the only thing they need is a MacGruffin. If you don’t know what a MacGruffin is, its pretty much the key element needed for the story to flow. Just think the Ark of the Covenant in Raiders of the Lost Ark, or the actual Crystal Skull in the fourth Indiana Jones. They just need to find something that Jones needs to seek out through the movie.

So I guess we will find out what is in store for Doctor Jones in the coming months. I have read that Harrison Ford is down to crack that whip once again. I seriously hope they don’t hand that whip down to Shia LeBouf, but considering the events in the last film, that might just happen, Let me know your thoughts about this.

Source: Comingsoon.net

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