Hercules – Film Review


Hercules brings us the story of the half man, half God, that will hopefully let us forget about the other Hercules movie that came out in January. I didn’t see that version, but I heard it was a shit sandwich and a half. In this version, Dwayne Johnson fills Hercules sandals, and he plays a version of Hercules that is a mercenary. He and his bandit of friends, go around helping to end wars, and train armies of empires. They use the legend of Hercules story to strike fear in others, even though he doesn’t believe in them. A conspiracy makes its presence in the latest battles they were a part of, so it is up to the half-God and his friends to make things right.

Hercules is another entertaining Summer popcorn flick, that worked in many ways. First off: casting Dwayne Johnson. The man is huge, and he really is the only actor that can play the character. I love the fact that he isn’t a pretty boy Hercules, but more like a rockstar version. With the beard, long hair, and how they altered his face a littie, gave the character a little more realism. Brett Ratner has a stigma on his name for making pretty crappy movies, and even though the battle sequences, and overall look to the movie works, he didn’t really try anything ambitious. Maybe that is what they were going for, but I’ve seen some pages out of the graphic novel this is based off of. A 300-like tone could’ve worked very well.

If you’re a fan of Dwayne Johnson, go see the movie. He doesn’t disappoint, and like I said, it is an entertaining tale of Hercules. Check out my video review below to hear me ramble about it. Let me know what you thought about it.

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