Captain Marvel Costume Description for Brie Larson

Captain Marvel Costume Description for Brie Larson by filmjunkee

Many people in the movie community got invited to Marvel Studios recently. They were treated to some pretty awesome Captain Marvel concept art apparently and a description of her costume has reached the internet via Nerdist: 

The first two featured Brie Larson in her costume, which appears to draw heavy inspiration from her classic comics suit. Though the design kept Captain Marvel’s signature eight-pointed star emblem square on the chest, its look and feel were more akin to Ant Man’s suit than Iron Man’s. Like a form-fitting armor, her suit is less spandex and more military grade, covering her whole body. Her iconic sash is more of a utility belt, favoring function over form. In the concept art she stands tall, staring off into the distance, looking hopeful but tough.

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