Lucy – Film Review


Lucy tells the story of the first…now wait that is the historical Lucy I am referring to. This Lucy stars the lovely Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman, that takes the idea that we saw in the movie Limitless, and takes it in a whole different direction. Instead of a lazy bum who gets magic pills from an old friend, Lucy gets suckered into working with the wrong people, and those wrong people use her to transport a new drug to another country by opening her up and placing the bag of drugs in her stomach. The bag then gets ripped, and the drugs start to slowly make their way through her blood stream, and Lucy ends up using more and more of her brain’s capacity to grow super-human.

Lucy is an entertaining sci-fi action flick, but it’s nothing too spectacular. I am not saying it was terrible by all means, just saying it was a pretty decent flick that satisfied me. What I liked about the movie is that it entertained me throughout with humor and action, and I like director Luc Beeson’s style of filmmaking. He uses smooth camera work, and metaphors to tell you this story, and tried his very best not to rehash what we already saw in Limitless.

Scarlett Johansson is beautiful and kicks a lot of ass in the movie. The gripe I have about her character is that she felt a little too robotic as she grew smarter, and didn’t really have much of a personality. Morgan Freeman does his Morgan Freeman thing in the movie, but his character is really there as exposition for the story, so you know how the human brain and evolution works. It works for the most part, but I would’ve liked to see more from his character.

Overall I would recommend anyone who wants to see a decent sci-fi action flick to check out Lucy. It isn’t anything to rush to the theaters to see, but if you love some Johansson ass-kickery, then by all means, grab yourself a movie ticket. Check out my video review below to hear me ramble on more about the flick.

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