Ender’s Game – Film Review


Ender’s Game is a movie adaptation written by Orson Scott Card, that stars , and . It focusses around this young, intelligent kid named Ender Wiggin, as he progresses through a new program strictly for kids to learn strategic ways to battle dangerous aliens that invaded Earth. These aliens invaded Earth 50 years before this story takes place, and this new fleet is supposed to prevent any kind of future invasions. Let’s face it; kids today play a lot of video games based on war, so of course, they would have a unique knowledge of how to win if given the right push.

This film is an excellent piece of scifi cinema, and this is coming from someone who has not read the book. Yes, the book is always deemed better than movie adaptations, but this movie makes me want to read the book. Butterfield’s performance as Ender is pretty fantastic, as he displays this intelligent little lad coping with bullies, and using his unique knowledge in problem solving. There is almost a message here for any kids that are somewhat nerdy, who get picked on by dumb bullies. Use your intelligence to out smart the bullies, and do not be afraid.

All the other performances from the other actors are top notch, and the story flows rather nicely. If you are expecting a scifi spectacle, with explosions everywhere, romp of a movie, this is not the movie for you. The movie really just focuses on Ender’s progression through the training to become this leader to fight the aliens. Sure, the end has a nice battle scene full of special effects and explosions, but I feel the story is what drives this movie into a scifi classic. I know there are more books from this story, and I am seriously looking forward into sequels being made.

So FIlm Junkee definitely approves this flick, as long as you are one of those that loves a good scifi movie. Let me know what you guys thought of it if you saw it, and check out my video review below.

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