Jason Sudeikis Might Be Our New ‘Fletch’


If you are in a mood for a witty, PG comedy that never gets old, then I would suggest giving Fletch a watch. Chevy Chase plays the fast-talking journalist who will go through great lengths to expose a story. And by great lengths, I mean disguising himself as many characters, and talking his way in and out of situations. It’s comedy gold, and for awhile now I have been hearing that a Fletch remake has been on the table.

I first heard about the Fletch remake when Kevin Smith wanted to bring the character back to the big screen, and he even title for it that I can’t remember. He even mentioned how he would want Ryan Reynolds to helm the character, but that dream slowly died out, which saddens me because that would’ve been great. Fletch first came into our lives in 11 books, then Mr. Chase took on the character in classic 2 movies. Now it seems that a new movie is on its way, and Jason Sudeikis is being looked for the role. That works for me, because Sudeikis absolutely has the chops to play this character, and these producers are calling the movie, “a gritty action comedy with heart and more tonally in line with McDonald’s novels than the Chase movies.”

Let me know what you guys think of this idea of Sudeikis bringing the character back into our lives.

Source: Comingsoon.net

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