The Trailer to ‘Afflicted’ Shows that Found Footage is Not Quite Dead Yet


Okay the found footage genre has pretty much run its course. It all started with the Blair Witch Project, which then slowly began being the style that horror genre movies resorted to, to make the story seem more real. Cloverfield breathed new life into the genre by introducing a Godzilla like monster movie from one camera’s point of view. Then it seemed like they were coming one after another, and then the Paranormal Activity franchise drove it into the ground. Sad fact is, that franchise is still going. Now comes the movie Afflicted. A new found footage movie, that actually looks a little more exciting than most.

Afflicted tells the story of friends set out on a journey around the world. One of the guys hooks up with a lovely lady, and that leads to strange events that don’t involve a penicillin shot . He begins to develop superhuman abilities that seem fantastic at first, but his metamorphosis starts to take a drastic turn.

Now what makes me kind of excited about this found footage romp, is the fact that they utilize GoPro cameras, so you get a first hand point of view experience from the guy who is doing all these crazy things.

So check out the trailer below and see if it grabs your attention. They do display that it won an award already, so there’s that.


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