Deadpool Movie Set for a PG-13 Rating?


Deadpool fans are going to cry out in unison. The Deadpool movie just might be PG-13, and that is why Fox was holding out. Not like we didn’t know that fact already, given studios are too shaky when it comes to R rated superhero movies. That was the information we were receiving at first, but writer Rhett Reese tweeted out that it has not been decided yet. This first information about the rating came from the Schmoes Knows boys, and here is what they had to say:

I heard from the director (Tim Miller) that they finally figured out the script, and it was right before this was announced, that they figured out, and you guys are all going to hate this, that they figured out how to make it PG-13 and therefore not lose its soul – that’s a quote – of the script so they can make it.

So we can gripe that the movie will be watered down and we will be missing out on the blood shed and F bombs, but if you really think about it though, Wolverine has worked well on the big screen without the blood shed, and if they still can capture the humor of Deadpool like they did in the test footage, there is really nothing to worry about. Not to mention if they bring Deadpool to a PG-13, a broader audience that doesn’t really know the character can familiarize themselves with the looney character, building a new successful franchise. It’s all still up in the air though, and we must remain optimistic and excited about the movie.


Source: Screenrant

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